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and rock your one precious life

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“The choice you have, when something becomes unbearable, is to protect yourself because it's become so unbearable or to change who it is that thinks it's unbearable. I recommend this latter choice. You'll find a whole new interesting part of your being.”

Ram Dass

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Carl G. Jung

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."

Jalaluddin Rumi

Does this sound familiar?

Are you struggling to feel seen and heard in your high-stakes relationships?

Are you stuck in repetitive conflicts in relationships without finding resolutions?

Do you find it difficult to navigate major life transitions, feeling overwhelmed, isolated, and lonely?

Do you find it difficult to build trust and intimacy with others and yourself?

Do you feel like you hide your true self for fear of judgment and rejection?

Alchemize your pain into power

There is a place where you are unafraid.

Where you can express your full aliveness.

A place from which your relationships are nourishing.

Where are you accepted and connected to yourself and others in a beautiful new way.

A place where you can trust in your heart's desires, in your dreams, in your truth.

Let's walk together to this place, when you're finished being who you think you are.  

Hi, I'm Fereshta Ramsey

Transformation Facilitator
Relationship Educator
Rock Poet & Mystic

By the time I hit 23, I had perfected the art of playing the victim, but deep down, I was suffocating under the weight of that role. I craved something more — I yearned to empower myself and become the author of my own life.

Confronting my limiting beliefs and past traumas unlocked a world of joy, peace, and vitality that I never knew existed. It was a profound shift that reshaped every facet of my life.

Read more about me
Fereshta Ramsey and her partner smiling wide, with a placid body of water behind them,Fereshta Ramsey performing on stage.Fereshta Ramsey in front of a wire fence.

Accelerated embodiment through...

Shadow Work

The shadow holds the disowned parts of ourselves - the aspects we are ashamed of as well as our powerful core gifts — judged and projected onto others as blame or admiration.

Every trait exists within us. Shadow work integrates these aspects, fostering wholeness and opening you up to more joy, satisfaction, and aliveness than you ever thought possible.

Relational Awareness

Relationships will deepen us. They will ask us to expand our capacity and our tolerance on many levels, over and over again. They are a profound journey of healing and self-discovery.

If you're ready to forge deep, meaningful connections that last, it's time to confront and unravel your inner barriers, learn how to tend to your nervous system, especially under stress, and gain the essential knowledge on human relationships you've been missing.

Take charge of your relational journey today and transform how you connect with others forever.

Empowered Voice

Embark on a transformative journey that harnesses the profound potential of your voice. With a foundation rooted in somatics, mechanics, and polyvagal exercises, we nurture inner safety, empowering your voice to resonate authentically and powerfully.

Delve into your emotional landscape, navigating personal history and reclaiming shadow aspects to liberate yourself from past limitations.

Through the artistry of expression, discover your unique style, guided by soulful intuition and the joy of creative exploration.

This journey is your path to rediscovering and embracing your truest, most empowered voice.


Working with Fereshta over the last year, as a guide in healing childhood wounds through shadow work, has enabled me to fully claim my inner strength, love of self and associated self-awareness for how I show up as my true self in the world.

She helped me uncover my True North — who I have always been at the core. With the removal of limitations (all rooted in fear), I am now living my life fully expressed as a woman, a leader in my work, and in transformative partnership.

Her ability to hold safe space, assist in organic revelation, and support the release of trauma has been one of the gifts in my life that has changed the course of it. Simply put, find a way to work with her.

Kelly L. Campbell

Kelly Campbell,
Conscious Leadership Coach & Agency Growth Consultant

When I came across Fereshta, I was stuck in a repetitive pattern, or a loop, in my relationship. I tried my best to resolve the issues on my own, but eventually, exhausted and in need of a seasoned coach, I asked Fereshta to be my relationship coach.

Within months of focused attention on the root of the issues, as well as on the behavioral patterns arising from them, Fereshta helped me to steadily shift into a more secure inner stance, which consequently shifted my relationship dynamic to a healthier and more secure one.

I now feel more confident to navigate the complex path of relationship, having learnt the skills to respond intelligently to situations as they arise, while always remaining deeply anchored in my own inner home.

Anahita Moghaddam

Anahita Moghaddam, Founder of Neural Beings, Organizational Trainer and International Speaker

I came to Fereshta completely turned off to building new friendships and relationships after a slew of unhealthy connections. With her guidance, I discovered the root of my tolerance for dysfunction, my blind spots, and what I needed to own on my side of the street.

Remaining empowered in the author seat of my life, I have learned to be more discerning, to listen to myself, and to communicate in ways that directly get to the truth. Now, my inner circle is solid and high quality, and I am open to building new healthy relationships.

Fereshta’s work is pioneering, of the highest value, and rooted in so much love.

Lindsay Mann

Lindsay Mann,
Spiritual Counsellor and  Sustainability Consultant

What Will You Choose?

Business as usual

Uplevel my life

All of this sounds great, but I will pass. I am comfortable in my life as it is and not ready to change anything about it.

I know it in my bones that I can be so much more and have so much more of what I love in life. Let's do this!

How Can I Support You?


Build a healthier relationship with yourself and become the emotional leader in your relationships with others.


Train together and learn powerful, scientifically backed skills and tools to create greater depth, intimacy, connection, strength, and joy in your relationship.


The world can feel big, scary and overwhelming. Learn how to navigate your nervous system and let your sensitivity and emotions be your superpower.


Elevate your team with training that boosts their relational skills, has them feeling valued, and builds trust in your leadership.

Build a life you are passionate about.

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